Configuration of responsive image styles with Webp formats in Drupal

Drupal Responsive Image Styles with Webp formats: This session is more about the usability of responsive image styles and webp formats in Drupal. WebP is a compact, modern image format that you can use to serve high-quality images that are a smaller file size than traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. Responsive images means loading images that have been specifically sized for the user screen based on breakpoints. This practice makes websites load faster on mobile devices because image sizes are optimized for mobile devices.

About the Presenter

Rajneesh is an expertise of over 12 plus years of experience in Drupal. He is working as a Project Manager with hands on exp in Drupal, PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Shopify, JS, HTML.

Rashi Kaul is a certified Life Coach and Speaker and an HR Professional certified with CMTF, PMAS, CRA, HRCP, SCP, SHRM, CP with an experience of over 10 plus years in managing human assets under her belt.



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