Spoken English Errors

When it comes to language, spoken English, it can make a person a good orator, help in getting better job opportunities and also in socializing. Better English helps us to understand our customer better. Undoubtedly English is required in today’s world. It is not just English is only a mode of communication; apart from English there are many languages, but English is understood by many people and is the most used language. n effective communication means the way your word connects other and your ideas are express to other in the manner that they can follow your words and understand without any problem. It convinces the others to accept to your ideas. So, lets understand the common English mistakes we usually make.

About the Presenter

Rashi Kaul is a certified Life Coach and Speaker and an HR Professional certified with CMTF, PMAS, CRA, HRCP, SCP, SHRM, CP with an experience of over 10 plus years in managing human assets under her belt.



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