Training Need Analysis (TNA)

  • 2022-11-02 06:30:00 2022-11-02 06:30:00  -  2022-11-04 08:30:00 2022-11-04 08:30:00
  • (Virtual)
Does a process for identifying future training and professional development need exist within your Team?
(Multi choice)
Thinking about the technical area where you currently work or have interest in Please list any technical training you believe would be beneficial to you. By Technical we mean, any subject or topic specific to core function of your skillset
Thinking about the cross-cutting topics with context of future training please select 3 areas from the below list that you think would be most beneficial to your wider professional development. (i.e., apart from any specific technical topics listed in the preceding question).
(Multi choice)
What knowledge gaps exist within your team?

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